Agave Wheat - Colorado
4.2 ABV
Alan - Smell was awful, but taste was ok. Kinda sweet, interesting aftertaste.
Bill - Very similar to Boulevard Beer (Alabama), smooth yet bold on the tongue.
Alan 4.5, Bill 6, Sarah 6, Paige 5.
Sea Dog Wild Blueberry, Pugsly Brewery, Portland, Maine
4.7 ABV
Alan - WOW! Did this beer smell like blueberries. Luckily, the flavor was blueberry as well. The taste was strong, but not overpowering. A refreshing beer to end the evening on. Too bad we drank it second.
Sarah - Nummy!
Bill - Tasted as advertised, however it's just an average beer.
Paige - I would rank this higher if I liked blueberries.
Alan 6.5, Bill 5, Sarah 9, Paige 6
Fort Collins Brewery Smoked Amber Lager, Colorado
Alan - Man, the smokey smells smacks you in the face like an ex-girlfriend. The flavor reminds me of the time I licked a grill grate on a dare.
Bill - Smells strong and tastes like burnt wood.
Paige - Kinda boring.
Sarah - Smells bad, tastes worst.
Alan 2.5, Bill 3, Sarah 0.5, Paige 4
Troegenator DoubleBock Beer, Pennsylvania
8.2 ABV
Alan - Not much of a smell. Smooth on tongue, weird aftertaste. Kinda bitter on the end.
Bill - Rich amber color, doesn't mind the aftertaste. Impressed with smoothness considering high-alcohol content. I bet if I liked bocks I would rate it higher.
Paige - Ehh, I don't know. I don't care for it.
Sarah - Meh.
Alan 4, Bill 5, Paige 4, Sarah 2
Sea Dog Raspberries, Pugsly Brewery, Portland, Maine
4.7 ABV
Alan - Smells a bit like raspberries. Good flavor. Very refreshing, just like the blueberry.
Bill - Smell not as strong as expected. Love the taste more than the Sea Dog blueberry. I would buy a fruit variety pack from the group.
Paige - What kinda fruit is it? Kinda bitter.
Sarah - Fruity buy acidic.
Alan 6, Bill 6, Paige 3, Sarah 4
Black Chocolate Stout, Brooklyn Brewery, Utica, NY
Alan - Smells like coffee and chocolate. Great dark, rich color. Smooth on the tongue and tremendous malty, coffee/chocolate flavor. My favorite of the night. The beer works its way up the glass like a Guinness.
Bill - Tolerable for a stout.
Paige - It is a little strong. I'd like some cream with my coffee. You must think that we will like it because you gave us so much.
Sarah - Strong like bull.
Alan 7, Bill 4, Paige 3, Sarah 5
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